For ADA seating please call the Box Office at (623)815-7930.
The Southwest Film Expo will showcase the best in Arizona film-making, from the past to the present day. The goal is to celebrate Arizona’s rich film history while advancing increased diversity and impact of minorities on the present and future of Arizona film. The Southwest Film Expo will present its first Michael Blake (academy award screenwriter-Dances With Wolves) Western Cinema Excellence Award, and will feature speakers and panelists leading the industry. Co-created by Metacom Films and US Energy, which are Native owned and operated, along with the City of Peoria as a foundational sponsor.
Impact Cinema: The global film industry has seen a greater demand for impactful stories, diverse creators, and original content. The Southwest Film Expo’s ‘ImpACT Cinema’ lens is designed to reflect films that matter. This event will be an opportunity for industry professionals to exchange ideas, reflect on the current film landscapes, ask questions, engage in constructive conversations and focus on the values aligned with a diverse film industry, with content that speaks across all audiences. Impact x Cinema = ACTion.
8:00 Vendor Set-up Registration* 9:45 Doors Open
10:00 Opening Ceremony – Impact Cinema Opening
10:15 (Keynote) Randy Murray – Arizona Film Tax Incentive Demystified 10:45 Impact Cinema – Press Release & Impact Studio
11:00 Roundtable #1 Arizona Film Festivals & Local Impacts
Founder and Director: Prescott Film Festival & educator | Worldwide Women’s Film Festival Sedona International Film Festival – Finance Director | Jerome Indie FF Director
12:00 – Networking Lunch
12:30 – Short Film Selection – ‘Indigenous Resistance: Now and Then’
1:00 (Keynote) Walter Schulz – 3500K – Arizona: Make movies the way you want to
2:00 Roundtable 2# Arizona Producer’s Panel:
Opportunities and Incentives with the Arizona Motion Picture Production Program. – Randy Murray Productions | 3500 Kelvin
– Arizona Producers Association/Reelbros | PsychicFlyingMonkey Productions
3:00 Impact: MetaCom Films – Dr. Roland Marmon – Legacy of Southwest Film
– US Energy – Jason Marmon – Impact Cinema: Innovation & Venture Development
4:00pm: Roundtable #3 Arizona Indigenous Film & TV
Preserving and advocating traditional ecological knowledge through Native Film: indigenous talent, databases, & location services
5:00 Southwest ‘Impact Cinema’ Awards
– SWFE ‘Excellence in Film’ Recognition Award – Michael Blake
– Tribute song performed by John Coinman (from the band Kevin Costner & Modern West)
5:30 Featured ‘Impact Cinema’ Team (Liberty Wildlife)
6:00 Feature ‘Impact Cinema’ – The Weight of A Feather Documentary 7:00 Southwest Film Expo Closing Remarks
Arizona is famous for its beautiful desert landscape blessed with breathtaking mountains. From the depths of the Grand Canyon to the red hills of Sedona’s Verde Valley. Arizona is famous for its great natural beauty. Arizona is an artery of the Southwest, some may even go as far as saying the heartbeat. A melting pot of ancient and modern cultures, home of 22 Native American tribes, and one of the most efficient water ecosystems on the planet, the subtropical Sonoran Desert.